If stars are balls of gas, then why do we draw them as pointed or spiky objects? more with Sabrina from @quickdirtytips #365DaysOfAstro
May 23rd: The First Stars were Weird
The first stars were weird. What’s the connection between the first stars and giant black holes? Was every galaxy once a quasar?
Apr 25th: What are Globular Clusters?
One of the most beautiful and scientifically interesting objects in space are the globular clusters, containing hundreds of thousands of stars. What are they and where did they come from?
Jan 9th: Colliding Stars Spill Radioactive Waste Into the Universe
Sep 26th: Beaming with the Light of Millions of Suns
When looked at with X-ray telescopes, they shone as bright as a million suns combined. #spacescoop @unawe at #365DaysOfAstro
Aug 27th: The Life of Other Stars
Let’s start the clock again, and see what happens to the smallest stars in the Universe; and what happens to the largest.
Aug 17th: Will We Ever Reach Another Star?
We hear about discoveries of exoplanets every day. So how long will it take us to find another planet like Earth?
Aug 10th: Do Stars Move? Tracking Their Movements Across the Sky
Jun 25th: Update on Stellar Populations (I, II, & III)
Jun 19th: What Awoke the Cosmic Dawn?
Were the dark ages really dark? What is a perturbation, and how did they grow in the early universe?