This week we catch up with a roundup of news from the past 2 weeks! Saturn’s rings are disappearing. Far Out, Man! 2018 VG18!

This week we catch up with a roundup of news from the past 2 weeks! Saturn’s rings are disappearing. Far Out, Man! 2018 VG18!
Prepare your instrument for December night sky. Comet Wirtanen will be at its closest approach. And What makes a galaxy? more with @awesomeastropod at #365DaysOfAstro
December! the longest nights will give you plenty of time to observe geminid meteors, lunar close encounters, and conjunction. #365DaysOfAstro with @MrWebbPV
What happened to the Opportunity rover? How about 21P/Giacobini-Zinner? more at #365DaysofAstro. And lets celebrate Astronomy Cast’s 500th Episode!
Looking for Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, or Mars? This is your last good month to see all of them at the same time. Also, get ready for some longer nights, a shallow dive into Sagittarius, the Summer Triangle, and Cassiopeia.
Discussion with Cassini mission scientist Dr. Michele Dougherty whose team made a number of discoveries about the Saturn system including the presence of a subsurface ocean on Enceladus.
August, even with very short nights, will be a great month for watching the four brightest naked-eye planets at sunset, the usual close encounters, and the annual Perseid Meteor Shower.
May will be a month for 4 out of the 5 naked eye planets, with Venus and Jupiter visible early each night and Mars and Saturn visible in the mornings, along with close encounters between each of these and the Moon.