Tag: saturn

Nov 3rd: Awesome Astronomy’s November Sky Guide

Oct 1st: Observing With Webb in October 2016
October brings us good views of Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter, the Orionid Meteor Shower, and night launch visible on the eastern seaboard, along with a challenge for the Pequea Valley Planetarium

May 7th: Observing with Webb in May
May 4th: Iapetus and the Cassini Regio
November 12th: Cassini/Huygens: Rewriting the Textbook on Saturn
September 4th: Saturn’s Rings Do a Disappearing Trick
August 28th: Saturn’s Moon Enceladus – Past, Present, and Future
Date: August 28, 2009 Title: Saturn’s Moon Enceladus – Past, Present, and Future Podcaster: David Seal Organization: None Description: August 28th will be the 220th anniversary of William...
August 11th: Cassini Watches the Sun Rise Above Saturn’s Rings
Date: August 11, 2009 Title: Cassini Watches the Sun Rise Above Saturn's Rings Podcaster: Emily Lakdawalla Organization: The Planetary Society http://planetary.org/blog Description: Today,...