Tag: noao
Jul 13th: The Eddington Experiment: Eclipse Day

Jul 13th: The Eddington Experiment: Eclipse Day


On July 2nd, a total solar eclipse passed over Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. A team of students from the University of La Serena attemped to recreate the Eddington Experiment that provided the first experimental evidence for Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

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Jul 13th: The Eddington Experiment: Eclipse Day

Jun 8th: 100 Years Since the Eddington Experiment


Einstein published his general theory of relativity in 1915. Four years later, Arthur Eddington led and experiment to observe the deflection of starlight during a total solar eclipse providing critical evidence supporting Einstein’s Theory. Nearly 100 years later, a team of astronomers and students is attempting to recreate his experiment in Chile during a total solar eclipse on July 2nd.

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Jul 13th: The Eddington Experiment: Eclipse Day

Apr 13th: Photographing ISS Transits


Occasionally the ISS will pass directly in front of the Moon or Sun presenting an interesting photographic opportunity. In this podcast, Rob Sparks describes how he has successfully photographed the ISS transiting the Sun and Moon with a DSLR and a zoom lens and describes techniques you can use to capture this distinctive image.

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Jul 13th: The Eddington Experiment: Eclipse Day

Mar 9th: Backyard Worlds


In this podcast. Dr. Aaron Meisner discusses Backyard Worlds, a citizen science project that looks for brown dwarfs & other low mass stars in WISE data. #365DaysOfAstro

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Jul 13th: The Eddington Experiment: Eclipse Day

Dec 8th: The SpaceX CRS16 NASA Social


NASA hosts events called NASA Socials to bring together social media users at various NASA event. In this podcast, NOAO’s Rob Sparks talks about his experience at the recent NASA Social for the SpaceX Cargo Resupply Mission #16 to the International Space Station.

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