Today @AwesomeAstroPod will have a round up discussion about recent space exploration news. Mai story: the Ultima Thule. #365DaysOfAstro
Feb 10th: Flying Couch & Martian Asteroid Hunters
Feb 8th: The Hypatia Catalog
Feb 6th: Awesome Astronomy Sky Guide & News Roundup
CERN’s plans for the monster successor to the Large Hadron Collider and what the hell that has to do with astronomy
Feb 2nd: Observing With Webb in February 2019
A great morning lineup in the beginning of the month, a conjunction mid-month, all the naked-eye planets visible at some point in the month, winter constellations, and a great lineup ending the month is making February look like a GREAT month for naked eye astronomy.
Jan 3rd: Stupid Red Dust
Could we live on Mars? Could we have a telescope big enough to spot cows on another planet? Does time stop inside a black hole?,
Dec 19th: Awesome Astronomy Space Discussion
As it’s the holiday season, we get all Christmassy and take a brief detour from space into seasonal songs, the unseemly side of glam rock and Bavarian burn hazards
Dec 14th: Searching for Buried Secrets on Mars
Dec 5th: Awesome Astronomy December 2018 News & Sky Guide
Prepare your instrument for December night sky. Comet Wirtanen will be at its closest approach. And What makes a galaxy? more with @awesomeastropod at #365DaysOfAstro
Dec 1st: Observing With Webb in December 2018
December! the longest nights will give you plenty of time to observe geminid meteors, lunar close encounters, and conjunction. #365DaysOfAstro with @MrWebbPV