Jun 21st: Climate in Crisis & Stars in Formation

Jun 21st: Climate in Crisis & Stars in Formation


In this episode, we bring you stories on how JWST – Not LIGO and Virgo – spotted the most distant Black Hole merger to date, why the search for life on other worlds gets more challenging the more we look, and we take a deep dive into the things we’re doing that cause and relieve climate change.

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Dec 20th: Atmospheric Results from JWST: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and More

Dec 20th: Atmospheric Results from JWST: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and More


Exoplanet discoveries have been piling up faster and faster over the last decade. With the addition of JWST’s capabilities, previously discovered exoplanets are now being analyzed for their atmospheric composition, and the results are intriguing. Today SETI Live discuss about exoplanet K2-18 b that was found to contain carbon dioxide and methane

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