In this podcast extra episode we talk to Karen Masters from Haverford College, Pennsylvania about The Hubble Tuning Fork and Galaxy classification.

In this podcast extra episode we talk to Karen Masters from Haverford College, Pennsylvania about The Hubble Tuning Fork and Galaxy classification.
The first stars were weird. What’s the connection between the first stars and giant black holes? Was every galaxy once a quasar?
One of the most beautiful and scientifically interesting objects in space are the globular clusters, containing hundreds of thousands of stars. What are they and where did they come from?
What are galaxy clusters made of, besides galaxies? How can we use them to understand dark matter? And how can we make pretend ones on a computer?
It’s not just our Solar System that has a habitable zone, it turns out our entire galaxy has regions which would be hostile to the formation of life as we know it.
George talks about NGC 4203, a galaxy with a low luminosity active galactic nucleus containing a supermassive black hole that is so ordinary that it seems ironically extraordinary.
Astronomers have used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to discover a ring of black holes or neutron stars in the galaxy AM 0644-741 in the constellation Volans. This ring of black holes covers an area three times larger than the Milky Way, making it the real Lord of the Rings!
Prepare your instrument for December night sky. Comet Wirtanen will be at its closest approach. And What makes a galaxy? more with @awesomeastropod at #365DaysOfAstro