Mar 1st: Celebrating the Mars Robots That Could

Feb 16th: Spooky Season Space Images


Throwback from the spooky season: Halloween is, hands-down, the most beloved season of the year. And we have NASA, ESA, ESO, and others releasing their spooky season images. There will be nebulae cropped with the contrast adjusted just so to reveal witches’ hats, and others rotated to reveal ghosts and maybe – I can hope – a goblin or two.

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Mar 1st: Celebrating the Mars Robots That Could

Feb 9th: Making Anti-Matter… Matter


Today EVSN look at what tree rings can teach us about past earthquakes, & how well machine learning can identify life, like trees, from carbon-rich materials that were never alive to distant galaxies and spinning black holes. We even take a deep dive into anti-matter.

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Mar 1st: Celebrating the Mars Robots That Could

Feb 1st: Whales and (Possible) Space Whales


As the Thanksgiving leftovers reach the stage of possibly gaining intelligence in the back of our refrigerators, we’re going to take a look at the origins of life, how we might find simple life on icy moons, and even how we can practice learning to communicate with other civilizations by chatting up a humpback whale.

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