Dec 15th: A River Runs Through It – Mars and Titan

Dec 15th: A River Runs Through It – Mars and Titan


This episode reminds you to look up, look out, and reflect on what we see around us. Stories cover a weird white dwarf that is doing things our Sun may do billions of years from now, how satellite images can now be used to measure river flows here and on Mars, and Titan, as well as the emerging field of planetary geoarcheology. And also climate change. Buckle up, the news isn’t good. 

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Dec 1st: The Universe is (Still) Trying to Murder Us

Dec 1st: The Universe is (Still) Trying to Murder Us


In today’s episode, we’re going to look at everything from how past Earth couldn’t support photosynthesis because the days were just too short, to current Earth letting us get hit by more Cosmic Rays prior to Earthquakes going off, and to supernovae threatening our world while alien stars eat other planets.

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Dec 15th: A River Runs Through It – Mars and Titan

Nov 10th: A New Space Race


Space science isn’t where the money is… at least not yet. Astronomy and planetary science in the U.S. are funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation, and a variety of smaller foundations and extremely wealthy individuals.

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Dec 15th: A River Runs Through It – Mars and Titan

Oct 20th: SETI and the Very Large Array


Today we journey out to look at the super massive black hole in the core of M87, and then Beth Johnson will join us with an interview of the SETI Institute’s Dr. Chenoa Tremblay and how radio astronomers are one step closer to simultaneously looking for life and doing science with the very large array. 

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