May 17th: Io & Juno Begin to Part Ways

May 17th: Io & Juno Begin to Part Ways


In February, on the closest approach, NASA’s Juno spacecraft was within 930 miles of the closest moon Io’s surface. Since then, Io and Juno have parted ways, and Juno is now snuggling down into tighter orbits around her Jupiter.

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May 17th: Io & Juno Begin to Part Ways

Apr 12th: Planet Formation is (Still) Not Well Understood


One of our recurring topics is “Planet formation is not well understood,” and a trio of new papers is making it clear why planet formation continues to… not be well understood. Put simply: the Universe likes to create more diverse solar systems than an entire planet’s worth of sci-fi writers can imagine.

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May 17th: Io & Juno Begin to Part Ways

Apr 5th: How NASA Budget Cuts Will Hurt Space Sciences


Earlier in March, Congress voted into place the FY2024 budgets for multiple agencies, including NASA. The agency is being asked for an overall 2% cut. Today, Dr. Pamela Gay breaks down what these cuts will affect, including people and missions, as we move forward with this already stressful fiscal year.

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May 17th: Io & Juno Begin to Part Ways

Mar 15th: Early Black Holes Formed Before Stars?


We thought stellar mass black holes came from stars and that there might have been tiny primordial black holes that evaporated away, but that was it. Closed case. Black holes formed with all the normal structures we experience today. Except that now, JWST’s observations require us to find a way to accelerate the formation of those structures, and one way to do that is to seed the universe with black holes.

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