The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the February 2023 Night Sky. In this episode we’ll talk about a conjunction of Venus and Neptune, the Moon pairing up with Venus & Jupiter before it gets so close to Mars. We’ll also talk about Comets and the Constellation Orion.
Jan 2nd: Ice In Space
A huge part of the Solar System is just made of ice. There are comets, rings, moons and even dwarf planets. Where did all this ice come from, and what impact has it had for life on Earth?
Jan 1st: Exploring Mars & 90 Inch
Happy New Year! Today Travelers in the Night discuss about Perseverance and the Steward Observatory’s Bok90 inch telescope on Kitt Peak in Arizona
Dec 18th: Greg’s Comet & Couch Potato
Today Travelers in the Night discuss about the discovery of C/2021 A1 (Leonard) in the constellation Canes Venatici and asteroid 2021 CK2 by Richard Kowalski while sitting on his living room couch!
Dec 4th: Zero and Deuce
Today’s Travelers in the Night talks about the discovery of 2016 AM2’s path that had a zero distance between it and the Earth’s orbit. Also the discovery of a pair of comets: C/2015 X8 & C/2015 YG1.
Nov 13th: Great Night & Jupiter’s Comet
Today Travelers in the Night will tell a story about the discovery of a dozen new Earth approaching object candidates including 2015 XY1 and Jupiter’s comet 2015 XL128.
Oct 30th: Stretch Marked Moon & Life’s Core
Today we have the story about The end of the line for the moon of a planet is when it reaches the Roche Limit distance from its host and a modern ribosome found in a particular organism is organized into layers
Oct 23rd: Carbon Comets & Hot Lunation
Oct 17th: Smashing Asteroids for Science!
This week we saw the incredible image of DART smashing into asteroid Dimorphous. Beyond avenging the dinosaurs, what can we learn scientifically from this and other asteroid/comet impact missions.
Sep 24th: Space Boomerang & Comet Showers
Today’s Travelers in the Night talk about the discovery of space boomerang and the change of comet in Oort Cloud orbit.