Astronomers have been trying to accurately measure the expansion rate of the Universe. It’s been tough to nail down, and now astronomers are starting to figure out why.

Astronomers have been trying to accurately measure the expansion rate of the Universe. It’s been tough to nail down, and now astronomers are starting to figure out why.
Weird Issues: How Do (or Don’t) Planets Form? Hot jupiters? Pulsars with planets? We’re now decades into this planets discovery & the Universe is continuing to surprise us. #365DaysOfAstro
How old are Saturn’s rings? They could be brand new, or they could be as ancient as the Solar System itself. more at #365DaysOfAstro
Thanks to Hayabusa 2 & OSIRIS-REx, we can learn more about this piles of rubble. A fascinating piles of rubble. Let’s talk about what we’ve learned so far. #365DaysOfAstro
We took a hiatus this summer, but SpaceX sure didn’t, with the tests of the Starhopper prototype. Today we’re going to talk about the revolution in reusable rocketry and quest to build a fully reusable two-stage rocket.
This week we wonder if you can made a black hole by accelerating a mass, but then can you un-make it again? Will the Earth ever be tidally locked to the Sun? And can dark matter crush an unsuspecting space ship?
This week we wonder if the Universe is going to collapse and then expand again, how satellites can have such different velocities, and the size of the observable Universe.
How do planets get their atmospheres? What would happen to the Earth if the Moon just disappeared? And what’s that strange glow we see after sunset?
This week we find out how hard it is to hit the Moon with a laser, & if scientists lose contact with the Mars rovers when they go behind the Sun.
This week we find out if moons around other planets could support life, if there’s anything out there between galaxies, and whether stars form rings.