Tag: astronomy cast
Mar 29th: Looking Ahead

Mar 15th: How You Could Overturn Cosmology


You’ve probably heard of dark matter and dark energy, but maybe you don’t fully understand what they are. Or maybe the idea itself just rubs you the wrong way and you’d like to know why scientists think they can just make stuff up like this. So you’d like to overturn cosmology? Here’s all you need to do.

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Mar 29th: Looking Ahead

Mar 8th: The Expansion of the Universe


It’s been a while since we checked to make sure the Universe was still expanding. Yeah, apparently, that’s still a thing. But in the last few years powerful new telescopes and expansive surveys have given us much more knowledge about what’s happening. Especially at the earliest times.

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Mar 29th: Looking Ahead

Feb 15th: Planet Hunting – Revisited


This is gonna be another one of those evergreen topics where we come back again and again. Finding planets. Every time we talk about this now it seems like we’ve gained thousands of new planets. Well, buckle up! New techniques will grow that by tens of thousands and even millions!

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