Topic: Galaxies & Cosmology
All the Planets Science Can Design

All the Planets Science Can Design

Before we go, I just want to take a moment to share something beautiful. Image credit: Martin Vargic Out of the blue, I received an email from artist and infographic designer Martin Vargic, and I have to admit, few random email have been quite so pleasing. He just wanted to let me know that he’d produced an infographic highlighting vast diversity of worlds that have been discovered since 1992. From pulsar orbiting planets, to gas giants, to earth-like worlds, he has included a little bit of everything in his poster of over 1100 known worlds, in which each world is depicted through a...

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Euclid Releases First Science Images

Euclid Releases First Science Images

While the 33 year old Hubble struggles, the not yet 1 year old Euclid space telescope has released its first science images. Euclid is a 1.2 m telescope with a wide-angle camera that is designed to survey galaxy shapes and study dark matter and dark energy. It is...

Hubble Down to One Gyro

Hubble Down to One Gyro

In a June 4 telecon with the press, NASA shared that due to recent issues, they have made the decision to operate HST in single gyro mode. This isn’t expected to have any impact on the quality of individual science images, however Hubble will need significantly more...

Hubble Resolves star formation

Hubble Resolves star formation

Image credit: NASA / ESA One of the things I personally enjoy most about working in astronomy is the way yesterday’s empty star fields and faint smudges resolve into spectacular vistas and amazing nebulae as we build better telescopes and find the time to point them...

JWST Echoes the Hubble Tension

JWST Echoes the Hubble Tension

Comparison of Hubble and Webb views of a Cepheid variable star. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, A. Riess (JHU/STScI) Understanding our universe isn’t a straightforward process. For every theory that appears to be beautifully proven out by data, there is another theory...