Topic: Pamela Gay
Stonehenge Stones More Geographically Diverse Than Originally Thought

Stonehenge Stones More Geographically Diverse Than Originally Thought

Image credit: Stefan Kühn Before we go, I have a new mystery for you. Researchers, with permission, took a small sample from the altar stone at Stonehenge and examined its composition and structure in a new level of detail. This information made it possible to determine the stone is 1000-2000 million years old, and chemically similar to rocks in the Orcadian Basin of Scotland. This research was a bit of a surprise to everyone because it had been assumed that this stone, like others, came from Whales.  Stonehenge was built about 5000 years ago in Southern England. With one exception, it...

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Closer Look: We are Space Stuff

Closer Look: We are Space Stuff

Courtesy TeePublic It is possible to buy stickers, sweatshirts, mugs, and all manner of other stuff and things emblazoned with the simple phrase, “We are star stuff”. Carl Sagan popularized this phrase, and it serves as a gentle reminder that all the complex atoms -...

Migration Solves Exoplanet Puzzle

Migration Solves Exoplanet Puzzle

Artistic representation of an exoplanet whose water ice on the surface is increasingly vaporizing and forming an atmosphere during its approach to the central star of the planetary system. This process increases the measured planetary radius compared to the value the...

Water on Asteroids

Water on Asteroids

Using data from NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), Southwest Research Institute scientists have discovered, for the first time, water molecules on the surface of an asteroid. Scientists looked at four silicate-rich asteroids using the...

Bennu Descended from an Ocean World

Bennu Descended from an Ocean World

A view of the outside of the OSIRIS-REx sample collector. Sample material from asteroid Bennu can be seen on the middle right. Scientists have found evidence of both carbon and water in initial analysis of this material. The bulk of the sample is located inside....

Black Holes Formed Before Stars

Black Holes Formed Before Stars

An illustration of a magnetic field generated by a supermassive black hole in the early universe, showing turbulent plasma outflows that help turn nearby gas clouds into stars. New findings suggest this process might be responsible for accelerated star formation in...

Mimas’ Baby Ocean

Mimas’ Baby Ocean

In this view captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft on its closest-ever flyby of Saturn's moon Mimas, large Herschel Crater dominates Mimas, making the moon look like the Death Star in the movie "Star Wars." Herschel Crater is 130 kilometers, or 80 miles, wide and...