Topic: Pamela Gay
Io Doesn’t Actually Have a Gooey Center

Io Doesn’t Actually Have a Gooey Center

Collapsed volcanoes form large, dark spots on Io's surface, NASA/JPL/USGS One of our greatest frustrations as a science, is we astronomical and planetary scientists can’t do the same kind of experiments that other kinds of scientists get to do. We look at things from millions of miles to billions of light years away and try and understand their inner workings while only being able to see their surface. While astronomers really can’t do anything to improve our situation, our planetary science siblings do get periodic opportunities to fling spacecraft around distant worlds and use gravity to...

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JWST Catches Difference in Sunrise and Sunset

JWST Catches Difference in Sunrise and Sunset

an artist's concept of the exoplanet WASP-43b Anyone who likes to exercise outside can tell you the sunrise side of the day is far cooler than the evening twilight. Here on Earth, with our rotating world, this is easy to understand. Throughout the night, our planet...

All the Planets Science Can Design

All the Planets Science Can Design

Before we go, I just want to take a moment to share something beautiful. Image credit: Martin Vargic Out of the blue, I received an email from artist and infographic designer Martin Vargic, and I have to admit, few random email have been quite so pleasing. He just...

Titan’s Lakes May Have Shoreline Erosion

Titan’s Lakes May Have Shoreline Erosion

Image Credit: Cassini Mission Here on Earth we often talk about planetary analogues. These are areas where the landscape here on our planet is geological similar to other worlds. There are regions in the Atacama desert, for instance, that are very similar to Mars. ...

Jupiter’s Not-enduring Red Spot

Jupiter’s Not-enduring Red Spot

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstadt/Justin Cowart It turns out, Jupiter likes to have giant red spots, but it doesn’t always have the same giant red spot. New research led by Agustin Sanchez-Lavega and appearing in Geophysical Research letters...

Vibrant Auroras shine on Mars

Vibrant Auroras shine on Mars

The purple color in this video shows auroras on Mars’ nightside as detected by the ultraviolet instrument aboard NASA’s MAVEN orbiter between May 14 and 20, 2024. The brighter the purple, the more auroras that were present. Credit: NASA/University of...

Ep. 2.24: JWST Reveals Star Formation Details

Ep. 2.24: JWST Reveals Star Formation Details

Let's take a fast-paced journey thru all that's new in space and astronomy, including Mars Perseverance Rover fords an ancient river, black holes sometimes form like baby stars, and this week's tales from the launch pad. We also look in detail at how JWST images...

Mars Rover Finds Way To Ford Ancient River

Mars Rover Finds Way To Ford Ancient River

a map of Percy's path The Perseverance rover has been making its way along the coast line of a long dried up river that once allowed water to drain from Jezero Crater.  Today, the Neretva Vallis river channel isn’t just dry, it’s filled with sand dunes… And Sand Dunes...