Topic: Stars & Nebulae
Ep. 3.03 Mars is the future, the day the Dinos Died, a Star’s Death in 3 Acts, and more

Ep. 3.03 Mars is the future, the day the Dinos Died, a Star’s Death in 3 Acts, and more

I have to admit, realizing it is somehow late August was a bit startling. I’m not entirely sure where my summer went, but I am grateful that my garden is finally producing veg, and the temps are starting to slowly trend downward. The Dog Days of summer are named for the appearance of the Dog Star Sirius rising with the Sun. Running from July 3 to August 11, these are typically the hottest days of the year and once upon a time, in the Roman Empire, that heat was blamed on Sirius’ - the brightest star in the sky’s - being in  close proximity to the Sun. Today we know this isn’t so, but it...

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Eta Carina gives up 260year Secret to Chandra

Eta Carina gives up 260year Secret to Chandra

Credit: X-ray: NASA/SAO/GSFC/M. Corcoran et al.; Image Processing: L. Frattare, J. Major, N. Wolk (SAO/CXC) Astronomers kind of live to see weird weird objects. While likely always visible to humans, this southern hemisphere star transformed from kind of meh to the...

Pulsar releases highest measured Gamma rays

Pulsar releases highest measured Gamma rays

 Credit: Science Communication Lab for DESY Ultimately, our universe is far more diverse in its reality than humans tend to be in our theorizing. Over and over, we have found remarkable things just by turning a new instrument skyward. From the discovery of cold...

New Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient

New Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient

Credit: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/M. Garlick/M. Zamani To me it feels like our biggest unknowns are often part of the high-energy universe - those processes and objects rise to the highest temperatures and give off the bluest of light.  As an example, back in 2018, researchers...

Extra Light from Dark Matter in Pulsars… maybe?

Extra Light from Dark Matter in Pulsars… maybe?

credit: NASA/CXC/ASU/J. Hester et al., HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the universe is an improv artist that likes to say “Yes, and”. I really wouldn’t be surprised if the effects we see are due to both a stuff we’ll collectively...

Janus: White Dwarf Edition

Janus: White Dwarf Edition

The results of science are often weirder than anything humans can imagine. As researchers, we dedicate our lives to taking data and knowing that whatever we may want to believe, we have to accept the reality of what our data shows us.  And sometimes the data is...

A new kind of star is discovered

A new kind of star is discovered

An artist’s impression of the ultra-long period magnetar—a rare type of star with extremely strong magnetic fields that can produce powerful bursts of energy. Credit: ICRAR. The more we look at the universe, the more we’ll be able to find rare and wonderful things. In...

Found: Stars blowing donuts in early universe

Found: Stars blowing donuts in early universe

Left: Dust is shown in red, oxygen in green, and starlight (from HST) in blue. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Y. Tamura et al., NASA/ESA HST). right: ALMA shows just dust emissions, including a vertically elongated elliptical cavity- a possible super bubble. Credit:...

Yes (maybe) 2 planets can share an orbit

Yes (maybe) 2 planets can share an orbit

A planet and its Trojan orbiting a star in the PDS 70 system (annotated) Credit: ALMA A whole fair amount of astronomy consists of theorists coming up with mathematically valid ideas of what is possible and then everyone debating if the universe would actually do...