Image credit: Stefan Kühn Before we go, I have a new mystery for you. Researchers, with permission, took a small sample from the altar stone at Stonehenge and examined its composition and structure in a new level of detail. This information made it possible to determine the stone is 1000-2000 million years old, and chemically similar to rocks in the Orcadian Basin of Scotland. This research was a bit of a surprise to everyone because it had been assumed that this stone, like others, came from Whales. Stonehenge was built about 5000 years ago in Southern England. With one exception, it...
Closer Look: Intermediate Mass Black Hole Caught Moving Stars
Image credit: Interstellar/R. Hurt/CALTECH My entire life researchers have been asking, are there blackholes in the hearts of dwarf galaxies and globular clusters? We know they lurk in the centers of large galaxies, and their sizes are proportional to the sizes and...
Titan’s Lakes May Have Shoreline Erosion
Image Credit: Cassini Mission Here on Earth we often talk about planetary analogues. These are areas where the landscape here on our planet is geological similar to other worlds. There are regions in the Atacama desert, for instance, that are very similar to Mars. ...
Jupiter’s Not-enduring Red Spot
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstadt/Justin Cowart It turns out, Jupiter likes to have giant red spots, but it doesn’t always have the same giant red spot. New research led by Agustin Sanchez-Lavega and appearing in Geophysical Research letters...
Vibrant Auroras shine on Mars
The purple color in this video shows auroras on Mars’ nightside as detected by the ultraviolet instrument aboard NASA’s MAVEN orbiter between May 14 and 20, 2024. The brighter the purple, the more auroras that were present. Credit: NASA/University of...
Ep. 2.24: JWST Reveals Star Formation Details
Let's take a fast-paced journey thru all that's new in space and astronomy, including Mars Perseverance Rover fords an ancient river, black holes sometimes form like baby stars, and this week's tales from the launch pad. We also look in detail at how JWST images...
Closer Look: Sometimes Dust is Beautiful
Gaia galaxy map, image credit: ESA The interstellar medium is not my favorite topic in astronomy. Fundamentally, it is the study of interstellar dust bunnies - those clumps of gas and dust that clog up our skies and block our ability to see more distant stars and...
Black Hole & Baby Star Formation – It’s the Same Science
One of the great rules of astronomy is that the same rules of physics we see here, in our corner of the universe are the same rules of physics that control all of space and time. Mostly… some forces only work on tiny scales, so at the atomic level it feels like things...
Mars Rover Finds Way To Ford Ancient River
a map of Percy's path The Perseverance rover has been making its way along the coast line of a long dried up river that once allowed water to drain from Jezero Crater. Today, the Neretva Vallis river channel isn’t just dry, it’s filled with sand dunes… And Sand Dunes...
Closer Look: Humanity’s Return to the Moon
I am a post-Apollo baby. Throughout my entire career, I’ve listened to the stories from senior researchers about how they watched men walk on the moon and thus became astronomers or planetary scientists. Me… I watched science fiction and decided if I wasn’t going to...
Remembering Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders and Voyager Scientist Ed Stone
We’d like to take a moment to celebrate the lives of to space science greats who have passed away. On June 7, Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders died when his Beechcraft T-34 Mentor crashed into the water near Jonas Island. He was age 90. While Anders never walked on the...