S1 Ep13: SETI and the Very Large Array

by | April 29, 2023, 10:51 PM | Podcast

While we could spend an entire episode on Earth, there is just too much going on in the universe to linger anywhere too long. From our world, we journey out to look at the super massive black hole in the core of M87, and then Beth Johnson will join us with an interview of the SETI Institute’s Dr Chenoa Tremblay and how radio astronomers are one step closer to simultaneously looking for life and doing science with the very large array.

This interview highlights how advances in signal detection and processing will now allow researchers to both study the science of distant stars and look for potential signals of alien civilizations. New partnerships are growing between the SETI Institute and the Very Large Array in New Mexico, and in collaboration we can expect both more research and a deeper understanding of any potential limits for finding life.